
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice. OH MY GOSH!! I Happened Twice!!

Blog post number two for this month!! Well, school started for me this week, on August 15th. Which ended up being tons more fun than I anticipated. I planed on having Swai do my nails on the Sunday before school and then I would be all girlified (for once) on the first day of school; dress, make-up and all. However it didn't go as planned and I ended up getting them done on the first day of school after my class instead.

On August 15th, my twinja (Gina) and I went to Sawi's house. I showed Sawi the designs I wanted to have done on my nails and she hopped straight to it. On my thumbs I have a black and white corset-type of design. The rest of my fingers were painted white with three vertical black dots along one side. Pretty simple.
After watching Swai work on my hand, Gina decided that she wanted to have her nails done as well. First, she wanted black nails with a white lightning bolt going down the middle. Eventually, she ended up changing her mind and got all of her nails black with a skull on her thumbs and half of a broken heart on her middle fingers.

While this process was going on, it was basically a normal hangout between the three of us, full of conversations, laughter, and music. Afterwards Gina and I were going to do Swai's nails after she finished ours but we didn't get to. Only because we didn't want to mess up the hard work she just did on our nails and it was getting pretty late already. Next time around we will do hers!!

Swai's Twitter- @PeachyBunny
Gina's Twitter- @GinaRogers2
My Twitter- @Liras

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